Strona: Why Rzeszów University of Technology? / The Faculty of Management

Why Rzeszów University of Technology?

Rzeszów University of Technology is a modern academic center that combines scientific ideas with industry. One of the greatest advantages of the university is excellent didactic and scientific staff. The diploma of the Rzeszów University of Technology opens the door to the best businesses and companies around the world. Research shows that graduates are quickly finding a job. Rzeszów UT is the oldest university in Poland that is famous for training civilian pilots. No other technical university in Poland has such a technical base and training base for future pilots. The Rzeszów UT campus offers a wide range of teaching equipment, a modern research laboratory and scientific equipment.

Rzeszów University of Technology has an attractive didactic offer. We run 7 fields of study in English. We have experience in accepting foreign students. The Erasmus + program has been running for over 20 years. The cost of living for students is not high. Rzeszów UT has well-equipped dorms and a student cafeteria. Rzeszów and the Podkarpackie Voivodeship are safe places with an interesting sports, entertainment and tourist offer for students.

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